Urgent Evacuation Notice - Cyclone Alert - 24/01/2024 11 am

Published on 24 January 2024

Attention Camping Residents & Home owners.

We are writing to inform you that a severe cyclone is approaching, and it is essential for your safety that you evacuate your family camps immediately.


1. Shelter: Please make arrangements to stay with family or friend until the event passes.

2. Gather Essential Items: Pack a small bag with essential items such as medications, important documents, clothing and personal hygiene items to take with you.

3. Transportation: If you have your own vehicle, used it for evacuation. If not, please plan with family members, friends or seek help from Council or Police.

4. Emergency Contacts: please be aware of emergency contacts in case they are required.

5. For real-time updates and further instructions, tune into the local news channels or radio stations.

6. Your Safety is our top priority. Please cooperate, stay calm, and act responsibly.

7. PLEASE TAKE THIS WARNING SERIOUSLY and act quickly to ensure your safety. Follow all instructions from emergency services and local authorities.

Council contact numbers: 47700 200 or email reception@palmcouncil.qld.gov.au

Palm Island Police: 47 599 333

Thank you


Mislam Sam



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